and another, an amendment to that amendment. When the
two latter are disposed of, other amendments in the same de-
gree can be proposed. The question on the motion to strike
out being postponed, until the friends of the measure have an
opportunity of making it acceptable by amendments.
After the bill has been considered, the preamble comes up
for adoption, and the vote is taken on the whole by yeas and
nays. The title is then open to amendment.
When a bill is returned from the Senate with amendments,
the question is taken upon the adoption of the Senate's
amendments. The proper motion then is if the amendments
are agreeable to the committee which introduced the bill,
"Mr. Speaker, I move that the House concur in the amend-
ments of the Senate." The question is taken upon the adop-
tion of the, motion. If agreed to, the bill as amended, is
passed by yeas and nays. If not agreeable to the committee,
a motion that the House do not concur in the Senate's amend-
ments is the proper one, and it sustained by a vote of the
House, the Chairman of the committee submits for adop-
tion a message to the Senate, as follows :
January —, 1867.
Gentlemen of the Senate:
The House of Delegates having refused to concur in amend-
ments proposed by the Senate to the House bill entitled,
(here insert title,) we respectfully request your Honorable
Body to recede from said amendments.
Should the Senate agree to recede, the bill stands as orig-
inally passed by the House. Should the Senate adhere to its
amendments, a message is dispatched to the House, usually
in this form:
January —, 1867.
Gentlemen of the House of Delegates:
We have received your message requesting the Senate to
recede from its amendments to House bill entitled, (title in-
serted.) We respectfully inform you that the Senate adheres
to its amendments, and propose, with your concurrence the
the apnointment of a Joint Committee of conference, on the
disagreeing votes of the two Houses. We have named on the
the part of the Senate Messrs. ———.