1534 2
A bill entitled, an Act to amend the section of Article
of the Code of Public General (or Local) Laws, entitled
(here insert title) [here briefly describe the subject of the bill.]
The title of bills to repeal, to add to, &c., may be framed
in similar form, varying according to the object and intention
of the Act.
Before a bill can be introduced, leave must be obtained.
The leave is granted, not for a member, but a Committee,
(either Standing or Select) to introduce a bill. The proper
proceeding is, for the member on whose motion leave has
been granted to prepare a draft of his bill and hand it to the
Chief Clerk, who delivers it to the Chairman of the Com-
mittee to which it is referred; the bill is considered in Com-
mittee, and if a favorable report is determined on, the Chair-
man hands it to the Chief Clerk, who has it copied in bill form,
and again delivers it to the Chairman of the Committee, who
reports it to the House.
To insure speed and accuracy in the transaction of business
this form should be strictly observed.
House bills are open to amendment on the second reading,
and Senate bills on their third.
When a bill is before the House for amendment it is read
by sections, and amendments are only in order to the section
under consideration. After that is passed, it can be returned
only by a vote of the House.
An amendment submitted should be plainly written, and
endorsed with the name of the Member submitting it, indi-
cating the section and the line to be amended, thus :
In section , line , after the word "," insert the
words "," or, in section, line , strike out the
words "," and insert the words "-;" or, in section
, strike out all after the word "," and insert "."
When an amendment has been submitted to a section un-
der consideration, it is competent for any member to submit
an amendment to the amendment, but there the amendments
must cease until the latter has been disposed of.
When, however, an amendment has been submitted, the
intention of which is to strike out the entire section, it is com-
petent for a member to submit an amendment to the section