1867.] OF THE SENATE. 331
necessary to the rebuilding of the Hay Scales, and the build-
ing connected with the same, owned by the State, and situ-
ated in the eastern section of the city of Baltimore, near the
intersection of O'Donnell street with the western line of Bal-
timore county, to repair 'or resupply the Scales, and adapt
them to the weighing of live stock, as well as hay and straw,
and to provide such yards for live stock as may be necessary;
Reported it with the following amendments:
Strike out section 1, and insert the following in lieu there-
of, viz:
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland That the
sum of twenty-five hundred dollars, be and the same is hereby
appropriated, or so much thereof as may be necessary, for the
rebuilding of the Hay Scales, and the buildings connected
therewith, owned by the State of Maryland, and situated in
the eastern section of the city of Baltimore, near the intersec-
tion of O'Doanell street, with the western line of Baltimore
county, and to alter and adapt scales to the weighing of live
stock, as well as hay and straw; and to erect such enclosures
as may be necessary for the safe keeping of live stock.
Amend section 2, by inserting after the word "purposes,"
in line 7, the following, viz:
Said Commissioner to give bond with approved security to
the State, to be taken and approved by the Comptroller, in
the sum of three thousand dollars, for the faithful perform-
ance of his duties, and the application of the funds which
may come into his hands to the purposes enumerated in this
Act, and said Commissioner shall be entitled to receive three
p< r cent, on the amount of the moneys disbursed by him in
accordance with this Act;
Which were read and adopted.
The bill was then read the second time.
Mr. Henkle, from a select committee, reported favorably a
bill entitled, an Act to include Anne Arundel county among
the counties embraced in the Act of eighteen hundred and six-
ty-four, chapter one hundred and twenty-eight, making an
annual appropriation for schools;
Which was read the first time.
Mr. Vickers, from the Committee on Judicial Proceedings,
to which was referred the bill entitled, an Act to authorize
the bequest of Catharine Seip, late of Baltimore city, to the
second German Evangelical Lutheran church of the city of
Reported it without amendment,