To the Honorable,
The House of Delegates of Maryland:
The memorial of William Devecmon, William A. Bryden,
John M. English and Patrick Hamill, of Allegany county,
Maryland, respectfully represents:
That they were candidates for seats in your Honorable Body
at the late Election of November 6th, 1866, in this State as
the representatives therein of said Allegany county; and that
a large number of votes at that election, were cast for them
for that office; and at the same time a large number of votes
were cast at the same time, for a certain William R. McCul-
ley, Samuel M. Haller, Daniel C. Bruce and Charles Gilpin,
who were returned ae elected.
Your memorialists further represent that believing that said
William R. McCulley, Samuel M. Haller, Daniel C. Bruce
and Charles Gilpin were not duly elected to seats in your body
and designing to contest their election, they served upon said
last named parties, a notice in writing of said intention; a
copy of which notice is hereto annexed, as part of this memo-
They further represent that subsequent to said notice, they,
your memorialists, did in accordance with the laws of the State
of Maryland, serve upon said above named parties, a written
notice of year memorialists intention to take testimony to sub-
stantiate their position in this regard; and thereafter at the
times and places named in said notice, they proceeded in the
presence of the counsel of said parties so notified, to examine
witnesses and take testimony to that end; a transcript of
which testimony will, by the magistrate who took the same,
be transmitted to the presiding officer of your Honorable
Body as required by law.
Your memorialists submit that the testimony so taken fully
sustains their position and belief that said William R. Mc-
Culley, Samuel M. Haller, Daniel C. Bruce and Charles Gil-
pin were not duly and legally elected; and they threfore pray
your Honorable Body to declare that the said William R. Mc-