1154 INDEX.
Report of the Mayor as to the number of For-
eign emigrant arrivals 'at the port of, during
1866, 155.
Leave to repeal sections 151, 152, 153, 154, ar-
ticle 4, Code Local, entitled, "Coroners," 163;
favorable report and first, 482, second and third
and passed, 883.
Petition as to weighing hay in Baltimore city,
320; for the erection of additional hay scales, 176,
189; memorial againt the removal of the Western
hay scales, and for the erection of new near Col-
umbia street.
Favorable report of a bill to add an additional
section under the head of Hay and Straw, to arti-
cle 4, Code Local, authorizing the removal of the
Western hay scales and the purchase of a new lot
and the sale of the present site, first, second and
third reading, and passed, 631; returned passed,
Favorable report of a bill to add an additional
section under the head of "Hay and Straw," to
article 4, Code Local, authorizing the erection of
additional Hay scales, and the purchase of a site,
and the appointment of Inspector, first, second
and third reading, and passed, 630.
Leave to repeal sec. 227, article 4, Code Local,
relating to elections in, 169; Senate bill read
first and referred, 175; favorable report and se-
cond, 175; third and passed, 191; leave to amend
sec. 227 as passed, 197; favorable report and
first, 209; favorable report from the "Judiciary"
and second, 219; laid over informally, 219.
Leave to extend the jurisdiction of Justices of
the Peace in, 169.
Leave to repeal sections 806 to 822, article 4,
Code Local, and the additional articles and sec-
tions adopted by ch. 6, 1860; ch. 46, 1860: ch.
42, 1864; ch. 244, 1864; and sec. 3 ch. 46, 1865,
for the establishment of a Police Force, 171; fa-
vorable report and first, 276. 482, secondj 597;
third and passed, 598; returned with amend-
ments, 809; message to and from the Senate, 811,
813; passed, 813.
Leave to protect the property and archives of,