INDEX. 1153
Leave to repeal ch. 1.15, Act of 1865, entitled
a further supplement to to an Act to incorporate
companies to make several Turnpike roads
through, 125, favorable report, and first, 624;
second, 687; third and passed, 737; sent to the
Senate, 1125.
Petition as to the line between Districts 3 and
4 of the, 339.
Leave to amend section 43, article 3, Code Lo-
cal, relating to jurors in, 350; favorable report
and first, 381; do. 695; second, 538.
The County Commissioners ordered to report
the indebtedness of the 421; their response, 542.
Petition as to running at large of stock in the
3d District, 451.
Petition for authority to the County Commis-
sioners to lay out a public avenue through the
Almshouse property, 472.
Favorable report of a bill to authorize the coun-
ty Commissioners of, to levy additional school tax
under section 5, article 8, of the Constitution, 754;
returned from the Senate with amendments, and
passed, 892.
See "Board of Control and Review."
BALTIMORE CITY—Leave to report a bill to change the
time of election for Mayor and City Council of, 9;
favorable report to amend sections 4. 7, 15, 20,
article 4, Code Local, relating to the qualifications
of Electors in, and the time of elections, and first,
46; second, 64; third and passed, 89; returned
with amendments and passed, 136.
Senate bill to repeal Act January session, 1867,
relating to the elections for Mayor, &c., first and
referred, 225; second, 235; third and passed, 244.
Senate bill to repeal Act January session, 1867,
entitled an Act to repeal sections, 4, 7, 15, and
20, article 4, Code Local, and also to repeal sec-
tions 4, 7, 15, 16, 20, 26, 213, 222 of same article;
and to repeal Act January session, 1867, being
an Act to repeal section 227 of said article, first
and referred, 848; favorable report and second,
959; 1031; 1098; passed.