The Governor appoints five members of this Board for four years
from the date of their appointment. One shall be a Veterinarian, two
shall be Master Horseshoers and two shall be Journeyman Horse-
shoers. (Ch. 491, 1898.)
It is the duty of this Board to hold regular meetings in the months
of May and November in each year, for the examination of persons
desiring to practice horseshoeing, as Journeymen or Master Horse-
shoers. The requirements of said examiners shall be furnished to all
persons desiring to be examined for such certificates, and the appli-
cant, if on examination shall be found to possess the said require-
ments, he shall be granted a certificate by this Board upon the pay-
ment of a fee of two dollars.
Name. Postoffice. Term Expires.
J Fuller Frames............................Baltimore 1926
William C. Powell......................Snow Hill ..........................................1927
H. Lionel Meredith...............................Hagerstown .................................................1923
George A. Bunting........................... Baltimore ............................................. 1924
Robert L. Swam............................................Baltimore County .........1925
Address the Secretary, 102 E. Lafayette Avenue, Baltimore.
The Governor appoints five, one annually for a term of five years.
Two shall be residents of Baltimore City and three residents of the
counties. (Ch. 179, 1902.)
This Board is for the purpose of examining all candidates that
might present themselves for an examination, either as Pharmacists
or Assistant Pharmacists.
The Board keeps a record of all registered Pharmaciats and regis-
tered Assistant Pharmacists of Maryland.
Any information pertaining to pharmacy in Maryland should be
addressed to the Secretary of the Board, who can supply a copy of any
pharmacy law of Maryland.
(Electrical Commission.)
S. W. Corner Gay and Saratoga Streets.
All Terms Expire May, 1924.)
Name. Postoffice.
John J. Dreschler, for Electrical Contractors' Association..............Baltimore
George W. Wilkinson, for Electrical Contractors' As80...............Baltimore
Arthur B. James, for Association of Fire Underwriterg...............Baltimore
Charles W. Winters for Chief of Electrical Department............Baltimore
G. E. Painter, Journeyman Electrician..........................................Baltimore
The Board consists of five members appointed by the Governor for
a term of two years, as follows: Two from nominations made by the
Electrical Contractors' Association; one from nominations made by
the Chief of the Municipal Electrical inspectors of Baltimore; one
from nominations made by the.... Association of Fire Underwriters of
Baltimore City, and one a journeyman electrician. (Ch, 244, 1906.)