(All Terms Expire in May, 1924.)
Name. Postoffice.
Ex-Officio Members:
Dr. John S. Fulton..................Secretary State Board of Health
Dr. C. Hampson Jones..................Health Commissioner of Baltimore
Dr. Frederick Heinpel......Asst. Health Commissioner of Baltimore
Membeis appointed by the Governor:
David Sondheim .................................................................Baltimore
Fred A. Krause................................................................Baltimore
R. T. Jenkins...........................................................Baltimore
Martin F. Fahey....................................................................Baltimore
George T. Evans.................................................................Baltimore
Henry W. Mears...................................................................Baltimore
Philip Herwig ....................................................................Baltimore
Governor, with consent of Senate, appoints seven, who, with the
Secretary of the State Board of Health and the Commissioner and
Assistant Commissioner of Health of Baltimore, constitute the Board.
(Ch. 496,1908.)
All persons, co-partnerships and corporations in Baltimore City be-
fore engaging in the business of undertaking or preparing bodies for
burial, shall first apply to the State Beard of Undertakers for a license.
If the Board, after an investigation of the application and the appli-
cant, is of the opinion that he is entitled to such license, it is author-
ized to grant the same upon the payment of twenty-five dollars. The
applicant is then registered as a duly licensed undertaker.
All licenses expire annually on the 30th day of April, but renewals
of the same can be secured, after examination upon the payment of
five dollars. The penalty for violations of this provision relating to
registration is a fine of not more than ten dollars or imprisonment for
not more than one year, or both.
Address: Dr. Daniel R. Hoffman, Veterinary, 1826 W. Baltimore St.,
Name. Term Expires.
Dr. Daniel R. Hoffman..............................Veterinarian ............................1926
Joseph D. Whitaker...........................Master .........................................1926
James E. Hogan.....................................Journeyman .................................1925
Charles A. Lauver..............................Journeyman ..............................1924
George E. Jacob................................Master ...........................................1926