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Maryland Manual, 1922
Volume 132, Page 49   View pdf image (33K)
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(b) Maps of scientific and educational significance on various scales
to meet special needs.

(c) A permanent exhibit of the mineral wealth of the State in the
old Hall of Delegates at the State House to which new materials are
constantly added to keep the collection up-to-date.

Scientific Staff:

Edward B. Mathews, Supt. and State Geologist.................Baltimore
Edward W. Berry, Assistant State Geolpgist.........................Baltimore
Charles K. Swartz, Geologist.................................................Baltimore
Joseph T. Singewald, Jr., Geologist.................................Baltimore
Myra Ale, Secretary.......................................................Baltimore
Grace E. Reed, Librarian............................................Baltimore
Eugene H. Sapp, Clerk..................................................Baltimore

During the last year the Survey issued revised maps of Hagerstown
and of Carroll County; soil maps of Howard and Washington counties;
and practically completed the manuscripts for reports on the coals of
Maryland, the fire clays of Maryland, and the Silurian deposits of the
State. Reports on the soil surveys of Charles and Frederick counties
and part of Garrett County were also completed as well as special re-
ports on numerous minor matters.

The work of the Survey is essentially that of a bureau of informa-
tion. Each year it distributes about a thousand volumes and pamphlets,
about two thousand maps, and makes about a thousand manuscript re-
ports on special matters dealing with the physical features and mineral
deposits of the State. To supply up-to-date information it is necessary
to continue and revise earlier surveys of different areas and mineral)
products of the State.


Calvert Building.

Ex-officio Members:

Governor Albert C. Ritchie....................................Baltimore
Comptroller, William S. Gordy, Jr.......................Baltimore.
President J. H. U., Frank J. Goodnow..................... ...................Baltimore

President U. of M.. A. F. Woods................................College Park
Edward B. Mathews, State Geologist...............................Baltimore

Appointed by the Governor:

Robert Garrett ..........................................................Baltimore
W. McC. Brown............................................................... ...Baltimore

State Forester:
F. W. Bealey....................................................... ....................Baltimore

The Board consists of the Governor, Comptroller, President of
Johns Hopkins University, President of University of Maryland;
State Geologist, and two members appointed by the Governor for a
term of two years. One of those appointed by the Governor shall be
a practical lumberman and one known to be interested in the advance-
ment of forestry. (Ch. 294, 1906.)

The State Board of Forertry was created and organized to protect
and develop the valuable timbernd tree products of the State, and
to carry on a campaign of education and to instruct counties, towns,


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Maryland Manual, 1922
Volume 132, Page 49   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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