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Maryland Manual, 1922
Volume 132, Page 48   View pdf image (33K)
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Union Trust Building, Baltimore.

Name. Postoffice.
State Auditor:

William A. Gillespie......................................................Baltimore
First Deputy Auditor:

Thomas J. Murray..................................................................Elkton
Second Deputy Auditor:
Daniel H. Carroll of P.............................................................Bel Air

The State Auditor and Deputy Auditors are appointed by the
Board of Public Works for a term of two years from the date of
qualification. (Ch. 704, 1914.) Assistants appointed by State Auditor. ,

The law requires this office to audit the books and accounts of all
Clerks of Courts, all Registers of Wills, and the offices of Sheriffs and
State's Attorneys when such offices are conducted upon the fee sys-
tem; the books and accounts of all collectors of State taxes, all institutions
receiving appropriations from the State, the books and accounts
of the State Tobacco Warehouse, and the books and accounts of such
other State offices as may be required and directed by the Board of
Public Works. The State Comptroller also hag authority to call upon
the State Auditor to investigate, check, itemize and audit any and all
claims, vouchers and statements of expenditures or disbursements presented
to him by any department, board, commission or institution of
the State.

In addition to the above the State Auditor is charged with the
revision of existing system of accounts and the inauguration and in-
stallation of new systems of accounts wherever such seems necessary
or desirable.

Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.


Governor Albert C. Ritchie..............................................President
William S. Gordy, Jr., Comptroller.
Frank J. Goodhow, President Johns Hopkins University.
A. F. Woods, President Univeraity of Maryland..................Secretary

The State Geological and Economic Survey is authorized to make:
(a) Topographic surveys showing the relief of the land, atreMna,
roada, railways, houses, etc.

(b) Geological surveys showing the distribution of the geological
formations and mineral deposits of the State.

(c) Agricultural soil surveys showing the arial extent and charac-
ter of the different soils.

(d) Hydrographic surveys to determine the available waters of the
State for potable and industrial uses.

(e) Magnetic surveys to determine the variation of the needle for
land surveys.

The Survey is also authorized to prepare:

(a) Reports on the area and systematic geology, on the mineral
resources, and on other topics of scientific importance.


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Maryland Manual, 1922
Volume 132, Page 48   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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