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Maryland Manual, 1922
Volume 132, Page 39   View pdf image (33K)
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cluded, receiving reports of accidents, receiving, investigating and ad-
judicating claims arising under the Act. Hearings are held in con-
tested cases. In addition to these duties, the Commission administers
to the State Accident Fund, which is operated by the Act, as one of the
methods by which employers must insure.

During the year ending October 31, 1921, there was a total of
37,012 industrial accidents reported to the Commission. This was a
decrease of 16,666 over the number of accidents reported in the pre-
ceding year. Out of this number there were 9,016 claims filed for com-
pensation, 116 of which were claims in fatal cases, as against 6,674
claims filed during the year ending October 31, 1920, 153 of which
were claims in fatal cases. As a result of last year's work there was
paid out to injured employees and their dependents the sum of
$1,426,088,16, which included the payment of compensation, funeral
and medical expenses, etc.

Office, Union Trust Building, Baltimore.

(Term Expires April, 1923.)

Name. Postoffice.

Thos. J. Keating................................................................CentreYille
Deputy Commissioner:

Wilson L. Coudon..................................................................Perryville
Deputy Fire Marshal:

George R. Percy..............................................................Baltiinore City

John P. Albert............................................................Baltimore City

Arthur M. Siegk....................................................Baltimore City

Alexander Armstrong, Attorney....General.......................Baltimore City
Assistant Counsel:

J. Purdon Wright....................................................Baltimore City

Denton S. Lowe..........................................................Wittman
Chief Clerk:
John H. Coppage............................................................Church Hill


Oliver H. Henry...............................................................Easton
William R. Wilson.......................................................Ingleside
Edward A. Perkins...............................................Baltimore City
D. Edgar Hurlock........................................................Church Hill


Miss Ruth Sulivane.......................................................Cambridge
Miss Anna F. Kenton....................................................Centreville

J. Frank Kenny.......................................................................Texas


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Maryland Manual, 1922
Volume 132, Page 39   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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