SEC. 6. Whenever during the recess of the Legislature
charges shall be preferred to the Governor against the Comp-
troller or Treasurer for incompetency, malfeasance in office,
willful neglect of duty, or misappropriation of the funds of
the State, it shall be the duty of the Governor forthwith to no-
tify the party so charged, and fix a day for a hearing of said
charges; and if from the evidence taken, under oath on said
hearing before the Governor, the said allegations shall be sus-
tained, it shall be the duty of the Governor to remove said of-
fending officer and appoint another in his place, who shall hold
the office for the unexpired term of the officer so removed.
County Commissioners—Surveyor—State Librarian—Com-
missioner of the Land Office—Wreck Master.
SECTION 1. Comity Commissioners shall be elected on gen-
eral ticket of each county by the qualified voters of the several
counties of the State, on the Tuesday next after the first Mon-
day in the month of November, commencing in the year eigh-
teen hundred and ninety-one; their number in each county,
their compensation, powers and duties shall be such as now
or may be hereafter prescribed by law; they shall be elected
at such times, in such numbers and for such periods not ex-
ceeding six years, as may be prescribed by law.*
Commrs. of Washington County vs. Nesbit, 6 Md., 468. Commrs. of
Public Schools vs. County Commrs. of Allegany Co., 20 Md., 439. Wor-
man, et al. vs. Hagan, et al., 78 Md., 152. Brown vs. Brooks, 95 Md.,
739. Prince George's Co. vs. Mitchell, 97 Md., 336.
SEC. 2. The qualified voters of each comity and of the city
of Baltimore shall, on the Tuesday next after the first Mon
day in the month of November, in the year eighteen hundred
and sixty-seven; and on the same day in every second year
thereafter, elect a Surveyor for each county and the city of
Baltimore, respectively, whose term of office shall commence
on the first Monday of January next ensuing their election,
and whose duties and compensation shall be the same as are
now or may hereafter be prescribed by law. And any va-
cancy in the office of Surveyor shall be filled by the Commis-
sioners of the counties, or by the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore, respectively, for the residue of the term.
Thus amended by Act of 1890, Chapter 258, and adopted by vote of people
November 3, 18*0.