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Maryland Manual, 1919-20
Volume 130, Page 67   View pdf image (33K)
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session; and perform such other duties as shall be prescribed
by law.
Billingsley vs. State, 14 Md., 369.

SEC. 3. The Treasurer shall receive the moneys of the
State, and, until otherwise prescribed by law, deposit them,
as soon as received, to the credit of the State, in such bank or
banks as he may, from time to time, with the approval of the
Governor, select, the said bank or banks giving security, sat-
isfactory to the Governor, for the safekeeping and forthcom-
ing, when required, of said deposits, and shall disburse the
same for the purposes of the State, according to law, upon
warrants drawn by the Comptroller, and on checks counter-
signed by him, and not otherwise; he shall take receipts for
all moneys paid by him; and receipts for moneys received by
him shall be endorsed upon warrants signed by the Comp-
troller, without which warrants, so signed, no acknowledg-
ment of money received into the Treasury shall be valid; and
upon warrants, issued by the Comptroller, he shall make ar-
rangements for the payment of the interest of the public debt,
and for the purchase thereof, on account of the sinking fond.
Every bond, certificate, or other evidence of the debt of the
State shall be signed by the Treasurer, and countersigned by
the Comptroller; and. no new certificate or other evidence in-
tended to replace another shall be issued until the old one
shall be delivered to the Treasurer, and authority executed
in due form for the transfer of the same filed in his office, and
the transfer accordingly made on the books thereof, and the
certificate or other evidence cancelled; but the Legislature may
make provisions for the 1088 of certificates, or other evidences
of the debt; and. may prescribe, by law, the manner in which
the Treasurer shall receive and keep the money's of the State.

SEC. 4. The Treasurer shall render his accounts quarterly
to the Comptroller, and shall publish monthly, in such news-
papers as the Governor may direct, an abstract thereof, show-
ing the amount of cash on hand, and the place 07 places of
deposit thereof; and on the third day of each regular session
of the Legislature he shall submit to the Senate and House of
Delegates fair and accurate copies of all accounts by him,
from time to time, rendered and settled with the Comptroller.
He shall at all times submit to the Comptroller the inspection
of the money in his hands, and perform all other duties that
shall be prescribed by law.

SEC. 5. The Comptroller shall qualify and enter on the
duties of his office on the third Monday of January next suc-
ceeding the time of his election, or as soon thereafter as prac-
ticable. And the Treasurer shall qualify within one month
after his appointment by the Legislature.
Archer vs. State, 74 Md., 410.


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Maryland Manual, 1919-20
Volume 130, Page 67   View pdf image (33K)
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