SEC. 8. All elections for the State's Attorney shall be cer-
tified to and returns made thereof by the clerks of the said
counties and city to the judge thereof having criminal juris-
diction, respectively, whose duty it shall be to decide upon the
elections and qualifications of the persons returned; and in
case of a tie between two or more persona, to designate which
of said persons shall qualify as State's Attorney, and to ad-
minister the oath of office to the person elected.
SEC. 9. The State's Attorney shall perform such duties and
receive such fees and commissions or salary, not exceeding
three thousand dollars, as are now or may hereafter be pre-
scribed by law; and if any State's Attorney shall receive any
other fee or reward than such as is or may be allowed by law,
he shall, on conviction thereof, be removed from office; pro-
vided, that the State's Attorney for Baltimore city shall re-
ceive an annual salary of fifty-four hundred dollars and shall
have power to appoint one deputy at an annual salary not ex-
ceeding four thousand dollars, and such other assistants at
such annual salaries, not exceeding twenty-five hundred dol-
lars each, as the Supreme Bench of Baltimore City may au-
thorize and approve; all of said salaries to be paid out of the
fees of the said State's Attorney's office, as has heretofore been
SEC. 10. No person shall be eligible to the office of State's
Attorney who has not been admitted to practice law in this
State, and who has not resided for at least two years in the
county or city in which he may be elected.
SEC. II. In case of vacancy in the office of State's Attor-
ney, or of his removal from the comity or city in which he
shall have been elected, or on his conviction as herein speci-
fied, the said vacancy shall be filled by the judge of the county
or city, respectively, having criminal jurisdiction, in which
said vacancy shall occur, for the residue of the term thus made
Jackson vs. State, 87 Md., 195.
SEC. 12. The State's Attorney in each county and the city
of Baltimore shall have authority to collect, and give receipt,
in the name of the State, for such sums of money as may be
collected by him) and forthwith make return of and pay over
the same to the proper accounting offices And the State's
Attorney of each county and the city of Baltimore, before he
shall enter on the discharge of his duties, shall execute a bond
to the State of Maryland, for the faithful performance of
his duties, in the penalty of ten thousand dollars, with two or
more sureties, to be approved by the judge of the court hav-
ing criminal jurisdiction in said comities or city.
Thus amended by Chapter 624, Acts of 1912, ratified by the people No-
vember 4, 1913.