any of said courts, on the part of the State, which the Gen-
eral Assembly or the Governor, acting according to law, shall
direct to be commenced, prosecuted or defended, and he shall
have and perform such other duties and shall appoint such
number of deputies or assistants as the General Assembly may
from time to time by law prescribe; and he shall receive for
his services an animal salary of three thousand dollars, or such
annual salary as the General Assembly may from time to time
by law prescribe; but he shall not be entitled to receive any
fees, perquisites or rewards whatever in addition to the salary
aforesaid for the performance of any official duty; nor shall
the Governor employ any additional counsel in any case what-
ever, unless authorized by the General Assembly.*
SEC. 4. No person shall be eligible to the office of Attorney-
General, who is not a citizen of this State, and a qualified
voter therein, and has not resided and practiced law in this
State for at least ten years.
Groome v. Gwinn, 43 Md., 572.
SEC. 5. In case of vacancy in the office of Attorney-General,
occasioned by death, resignation, removal from the State or
from office, or other disqualification, the said vacancy shall be
filled by the Governor for the residue of the term thus made
SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Court of
Appeals and of the Commissioner of the Land Office, respect-
ively, whenever a case shall be brought into said court or office,
in which the State is a party or has interest, immediately to
notify the Attorney-General thereof.
The State's Attorney.
SEC. 7. There shall be an Attorney for the State in each
county and the city of Baltimore, to be styled "The State 'a
Attorney," who shall be elected by the voters thereof, re-
spectively, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in No-
vember, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and on
the same day every fourth year thereafter; and shall hold his
office for four years from the first Monday in January next
ensuing his election, and until bis successor shall be elected
and qualified, and shall be re-eligible thereto, and be subject
to removal therefrom for incompetency, willful neglect of
duty, or misdemeanor in office, on conviction in a court of law,
or by a vote of two-thirds of the Senate, on the recommenda-
tion of the Attorney-General.
Jackson vs. State, 87 Md., 195.
*Thus amended by Chapter 663, Acts of 1812, ratified by the people No-
vember 4, 1913.