Of laws ..................................... 3 30
Of statement about public moneys............... 3 32
Of decisions of Court of Appeals. ............... « 4 16
Of Treasurer's report.......................... 6 4
Public debt. ..................................... 8,6 34,2,3
Public schools ................................... 8 I
Public Works, Board of............................ 12 I
Punishments, cruel and unusual, not to be Inflicted. . . 16, 25 ....
Witnesses' and jurors' belief In future........... 36 ....
Quartering of soldiers in time of peace—of war. ...... 31 ....
Quorum of Senate and House of Delegates........... 3 20
Race or color, no incompetency as witness by reason of 3 53
Railroads, State's stock in, how represented.......... 12 2,3
Reading of bills on three different days.............. 3 27
Recommendations of Governor...................... 2 20
Receipts and expenditures, statement of to be published
with laws ............................... 3 32
Records of Secretary of State....................... 2 28
Record of yeas and nays to be kept................. 3 22
House of Delegates may call for................ 3 24
Of laws of the State.......................... 3 30
Referendum ...................................... 16 ....
Refusal of officer to take oath...................... 1 7
Registers of Wills, charges of...................... 3 45
Election tenure of; vacancy in office of........... 4 41
Rejected nominee. Governor not to appoint........... 2 12
Religion ......................................... 36-39 ....
Removal of cases................................. 4 8
Representation in General Assembly................ 3 3-6
Reprieve by Governor............................. 2 20
Rotation in executive office......................... 34 ....
St. Mary's county, appropriation for................ 3 34
Schools, public, to be established.................... 8 I
Seal, great, to be affixed to laws.................... 3 30
Search warrants ................................. 26 ....
Seat of government to be at Annapolis............... 11 ....
Becoming unsafe, Governor may convene Legislature
elsewhere ................................ 2 16
Secretary of State................................ 2 2,22,23
Sects alike to be protected......................... 36-38 ....
Senate, consent of, to appointments by Governor...... .... ....
May be convened alone....................... 2 16
Election of .................................. 2 2,7
Classificatlon ................................. 3 8
Qualifications ................................ 3 9-12
Compensation ..................... .......... 3 15
Disqualified to hold other office................ 4 17
Members of, not liable for words In debate....... 3 18
To keep Journal of proceedings................. 3 22
Special adjournment .......................... 3 25
Ineligibility of defaulters and duelists........... 3 12,41
Impeachments, to try.......................... 3 26
Consent of, to designation of Chief Judge of Court
of Appeals .............................. 4 14
Session, extra, of Legislature, may tie called by Governor 2 16
Of Legislature, regular........................ 3 14
Of Legislature to be open....................... 3 21
Of Legislature, special adjournment............. 3 25
Sheriffs ......................................... 4 44
Sinking fund .................................... 6 3
Slavery abolished ................................ 24
Speaker of House of Delegates..................... 2,32,3,13,15
Speech, freedom of............................... 10,40 .. . .
State, limitations upon use of credit of.............. 3 24
State's Attorneys ................................ 5 7-12
State Librarian ................................. 7 3
State Treasurer ................................. 6 1,3,4
Statutes of England, what in force.................. 5 ....
Stockholders of banks liable for its debts............. 3 39
Style of Legislature. .............................. 3 I
Of laws ...................... .. ........ 3 29
Of commissions, writs. Indictments, &c.......... 4 13
Of Circuit Courts............................. 4 20
Suffrage, right of................................. I I
Superior Court of Baltimore City. .................. 4 27,28,36
Supreme Bench of Baltimore City. .................. 4 27,31,85
Surveyors; election ; duties; compensation............ 7 2
Suspension of laws................................ 9 ....