Art. Sec.
Militia and military affairs......................... 9 1-3
Mileage to members of Legislature.................. 3 15
Military to be subject to civil power............... 30 ....
Militia to be organized............................ 8 I
Ministers of Gospel, grants and gifts to, prohibited.... 38 ....
Ineligible to Legislature....................... 3 11
Money, abuses in expenditures of................... 3 24
Not to be drawn from Treasury without appropria-
tion ...................'................. 3 32
Publication of receipts and expenditures......... 3 32
Monopolies, odious ............................... 41 ....
Municipal corporations, how created................ 3 48
Naval force. Governor to be commander-in-chief of. .. 2 8
New counties ................................... 13 1-6
Nobility, title of, prohibited........................ 42
Nolle prosequi. Governor may direct, when........... 2 20
Non compus disqualified to vote.................... 1 2
Non-residence, doctrine of, absurd. .................. 6 . . ..
Notaries, appointment and powers of................ 4 46
Notice of application for pardon.................... 2 20
Of election for Senator or Delegate.............. 3 13
Oath, retrospective, not to be required............... IT ....
Witness to be examined on.................... 21 ....
Of officers ................................... 1 6
Of office, no religious test required.............. 37 ....
Manner of administering...................... 39 ....
Violation of oath of office...................... 1 7
House of Delegates may Inquire on, of witnesses.. 3 24
Impeachments; Senators to be under oath....... 3 26
Office, Judges not to hold any other.................. 33 ....
Rotation of executive......................... 34 ' ....
No person to hold two offices................... 35 ....
Oath of, how administered..................... 37-39 ....
Officer, disfranchisement of, for perjury............. 1 7
Bribery of .................................. 3 30
Form of oath..................... ........... 1 6
Military to be appointed by Governor............ 2 10
Persons rejected not to be appointed............ 2 11
Time of nomination........................... 2 13
Term of office................................ 2 13
Removals and suspensions...................... 2 15
No extra compensation to be allowed to.......... 3 35
Duelists ineligible ............................ 3 41
Public commission of.......................... 4 13
Returns of elections........................... 4 11
New elections In cases of a tie.................. 4 12
Militia ...................................... 9 I
Compensation of officers not to exceed three thous-
and dollars; exceptions.................... 15 I
Commencement of their term................... 15 9
Before whom to quality....................... 15 10
Orphans' Courts ................................. 4 40
Outlawry, prohibited .................. ........... 23 ....
Pains and penalties, cruel and unusual, prohibited..... 16 ....
Pardons by the Governor.............. ........... 1,2 2,20
Penalties, unusual, not to be Inflicted............... 16 ....
For bribery of voters......................... 1 3
For perjury of officers. ........................ 1 7
For disorderly conduct of members of Legislature. 3 19
For non-attendance of members of Legislature. .. 3 20
Pension Commissioner abolished................... 3 69
Perjury of officers. ............................... 1 7
Perquisites, Judges to have none................... 33 ....
Petition, right of, to be carefully preserved.......... 13 ....
Police, internal, State to have exclusive control of.... 4 ....
Poll-tax not to be levied........................... 15 ....
Powers of people reserved.......................... 3 ....
Legislative, executive and Judicial, to be separate. . 8 ....
Power, military, to be subject to civil............... 30 ....
Long continuance in dangerous................. 34 . . ..
Executive, vested In Governor.................. 2 I
Veto of Governor............................. 2 17
Pardoning ....................... ........... 2 20
Judicial, In what Courts vested................. 4 I
President of Senate to be Governor, when............ 2 7
Compensation of ............................. 3 15
Press, freedom of, to be Inviolably preserved......... 40 ....
Printing, public, cost of........................... 3 ....
Publication of Journals of Legislature............... 3 29