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Maryland Manual, 1915-16
Volume 126, Page 271   View pdf image (33K)
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office. He shall have the power to administer oaths in all parts
of the State, so far as the exercise of such power is properly
incident to the performance of his duty or that of the Com-
mission. He may designate, from. time to time with the ap-
proval of the Commission, one of the clerks of the office ap-
pointed by the Commission to exercise the powers and duties
of the Secretary during his absence Under the direction of
the Commission, the Secretary shall have general charge of
its office, superintend its clerical business and perform such
other duties as the Commission may prescribe.

SEC. 7. Each member of the Commission, the Secretary
thereof, and any special examiner or inspector shall for the
purpose contemplated by this Act have power to issue sub-
poenas, compel the attendance of witnesses, administer oaths,
certify to official acts. take depositions within or without the
State of Maryland as now provided by law, compel the pro-
duction of pertinent books, payrolls, accounts, papers, records,
documents and testimony.

If a person in attendance before the Commission or a Com-
missioner refuse, without reasonable cause, to be examined or
to answer a legal and pertinent question, or to produce a book
or paper when ordered to do so by the Commission, the Com-
mission may pply to any Judge of the Supreme Bench of
Baltimore City, or of the Circuit Court of any county, upon
proof by affidavit of the fact for a rule or order returnable in
not, less than two or more than five days, directing such per-
son to show cause before the Judge who made the order, or any
other Judge aforesaid, why he should not be committed to
jail; upon the return of such order, the Judge before whom
the matter and. such person shall come on for a hearing shall
examine under oath such person and such person shall be
given an opportunity to be heard: and if the Judge shall
determine that such person has refused, without reasonable
cause or legal excuse, to be examined or to answer a legal or
pertinent question, or to produce a book or paper which he
was ordered to bring or produce, he may forthwith commit the
offender to jail, there to remain until he submits to do the
act which he was so required to do, or is discharged according
to law.

No person shall be excused from testifying or from produc-
ing any books or papers or documents in any investigation or
inquiry by or upon any hearing before the Commission or any
Commissioner, when ordered to do so by the Commission or


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Maryland Manual, 1915-16
Volume 126, Page 271   View pdf image (33K)
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