the employ of the Commission who shall divulge any informa-
tion secured by him in respect to the transactions, property or
business of any person, firm, company or corporation, associa-
tion or joint partnership to any person other than the mem-
bers of the Commission, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and
subject to a fine of not less than $100 or more than $500 or
imprisonment, not exceeding 18 months in the discretion of
the Court and shall thereafter be disqualified from holding
any appointment or employment with the Commission.
SEC. 5. The Commission may employ a secretary, actuaries,
accountants, inspectors, examiners, experts, clerks, stenogra-
phers and other assistants, and fix their compensation subject
to the written approval of the Governor; such compensation
shall he paid out of the appropriation in the State Treasury
provided for in this Act. The secretary, actuaries, account-
ants, inspectors, examiners, experts, clerks, stenographers and
other assistants that may be employed shall be entitled to re-
ceive their actual necessary expenses while traveling on the
business of the Commission. Such expenses shall be itemized
and sworn to by the person who incurred the expense, and al-
lowed by the Commission. The Commission shall keep and
maintain its main office and such branch offices as it shall deem
proper and necessary for the administration of the Act, and
shall provide suitable rooms, necessary office furniture, sup-
plies, books, periodicals and maps for the same. All necessary
expenses shall be audited and paid out of the appropriation in
the State Treasury' provided for in this Act. It shall pro-
vide itself with a seal for the authentication of its orders,
awards and proceedings, upon which shall be inscribed the
words "State Industrial Accident Commission, State of Mary-
land—Official Seal."
Each member of the Commission and each person appointed
to office or employment by the Commission shall before enter-
ing upon. the duties of his office or employment take and sub-
scribe the constitutional oath of office.
SEC. 6. The Secretary of the Commission shall keep and
maintain a full and true record of all proceedings of the Com-
mission, of all documents or papers ordered filed by the Com-
mission or by its roles, of decisions or orders made by any
member of the Commission and of all decisions or orders made
by the Commission or approved and. confirmed by it and or-
dered filed, and. he shall be responsible to the Commission for
the safe custody and. preservation of all such documents at its