STATEMENT — Continued.
Balance applicable to School Year commencing October
1, 1907...............................................
$ 471,035 24
Receipts from Public School Tax from all sources dur-
ing Fiscal Year 1908.......................... .......
1,350,230 70
Total receipts Fiscal Year 1908 and balance from 1907...
$1,821,265 94
Total disbursements of Public School Tax during Fiscal
Year 1908.............................................
1,193,988 40
Balance applicable to School Year commencing October
1, 1908. ...........................................
$ 627,277 54
Of this balance of $627,277.54 there was dis-
tributed October 1, 1908, to Public Schools, $250,000 00
and for Text Books for Public Schools..... 150,000 00
400,000 00
Amount on hand to equalize future distributions ........
$ 227,277 54