Showing the Levy, Receipts and Disbursements on account of the Public
School Tax, as authorized by Chapters 584 of 1904 and 818 of 1906,
and the balance to the credit of said account at the close of the fiscal
year ended September 30, 1908.
Amount of
. Receipts
Allegany County................
$ 81,421 65
$ 28,128 68
$ 56,071 80
Anne Arundel County ..........
20,446 26
16,345 05
37,098 69
Baltimore City ..............
758,527 24
642,676 32
460,652 71
Baltimore County ..........
155,053 73
147,696 36
86.030 20
Calvert ....
3,814 75
8,700 00
- 11,508 84
Caroline .....
8,801 36
8,217 39
17,602 00
Carroll ..... . .
27,698 88
27,433 89
32,291 63
Cecil ..........
18,954 61
18,184 67
23,410 92
Charles ..........
6,028 60
6,055 39
19,784 66
11,369 24
14,122 88
30,020 57
Frederick ... .......
34,636 72
32,904 87
. 49,690 69
Garrett .........
12,277 39
11,057 31
23.198 87
Harford ........ .
21,287 59
19,994 23
28,096 42
Howard ..........
14,274 71
9,219 05
16,430 50
Kent ..........
13,386 88
11,394 33
17,523 43
Montgomery ..........
22,603 02
21,528 27
31,192 07
Prince George's ..........
19,251 12
18,179 20
31,048 09
Queen Anne's ..........
14,236 23
12.238 17
19,857 02
St. Mary's ..........
5,412 31
4,951 69
19,771 56
Somerset ..........
8,347 21
5,661 50
27,867 34
Talbot ..........
14,144 08
13,607 93
21,283 39
Washington ..........
33 855 29
30,243 40
42,926 73
Wicomico ..........
10,096 56
10,737 51
24,421 59
Worcester ..........
5,961 36
9,332 41
22,589 04
Incorporated Institutions ......
102,499 80
Tax on Baltimore City Stock .....
124,120 40
State Normal School— White .....
20,000 00
State Normal School — Repairs.
1,000 00
State Normal School — Colored...
2,000 00
Frostburg Normal School ......
7,000 00
Washington College — Normal
Department .................
4,500 00
State Board of Education —
Expenses of .................
3,000 00
Superintendent Public Educa-
tion — Salary .................
3,000 00
Superintendent Public Educa-
tion — Office Expenses ........
1,000 00
Superintendent Public Educa-
tion — Traveling Expenses ....
Assistant Superintendent Pub-
lic Education — Salary.........
500 00
1,620 14
Totals .....................
$1,271,886 76
$1,350,230 70
$1,193,988 40