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Maryland Manual, 1906-07
Volume 118, Page 318   View pdf image (33K)
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been up for office before, except Town Commissioner, which
position he now holds. Mr, Lockerman is a member of several
orders and a Past Master of Chesapeake Lodge No. 147, A.F.
and A.M., one of the largest Masonic lodges on the Eastern

ISAAC T. J. BROWN, Democrat—Princess Anne.

Mr. Brown was born on his father's farm near Princess
Anne February 6, 1848. He was educated at the Old Wash-
ington Academy, Princess Anne, Md., and has for many years.
been engaged in the dry goods trade. He is a direct descendant
of David Brown, one of Somerset's pioneers, who had the dis-
tinction of being the first man in the United States to endow a
foreign institution, he having, in 1692, endowed the University
of Glasgow, Scotland, for the purpose of educating his de-

Mr. Brown has served at the last two sessions of the Legis-
lature in the capacity of Sergeant-at-Arms of the House.

Mr. Whittington was born on his father's farm near Marion,
in Somerset County, Maryland, in July, 1865, and is accordingly
forty years of age. He is the son of Stephen H. Whittington,
a highly respected and thrifty farmer, and his mother was,
prior to marriage, Miss Jennie Handy, a lady who has always
been universally esteemed for her many excellent characteristics
of heart and mind. Chas. L., the delegate-elect, was educated
at Marion Academy, and like his father, is a successful trucker
and farmer, owning and operating the nice farm on which he
resides and near which he was born. He is a prominent mem-
ber of Trinity Methodist Protestant Church, and numbers
among his closest friends some of the estimable ministers of
this denomination. In politics he has always been a consistent
Democrat, and when he was suggested as one worthy of the
nomination for the Legislature by his friends in his district,
the party in the county gladly made him one of its standard
bearers and he was elected by the splendid majority of six
hundred. He was never before a candidate for office. He is.
a man of strong character and will creditably represent his
county in the Legislature.

TALBOT COUNTY—Three Members.
WILLIAM A. KIRBY, Democrat—Trappe.

Mr. Kirby, a son of the late William Anthony Kirby, was
born at "Ridley," the homestead of the Kirby family for genera-
tions. "Ridley" is beautifully situated on the Talbot shore of
the Choptank River opposite Cambridge. His mother was


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Maryland Manual, 1906-07
Volume 118, Page 318   View pdf image (33K)
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