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Maryland Manual, 1906-07
Volume 118, Page 317   View pdf image (33K)
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up-to-date and successful farmer and while never before hav-
ing held office has always taken a keen interest in politics.

He is a man of clear conception and sound judgment, weigh-
ing carefully all matters of import before expressing an opinion,
and will doubtless guard well the interests of his constituents.

DAVID P. SMITH, Independent—Centreville.

Mr. Smith was born in Kent County, Md., in 1857, and
moved to New Castle County, Del., in 1858, where he lived until
1878, when he returned to Kent County, Md.

Moved to Centreville, Queen Anne's County, in 1883, as the
agent of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, which position
he held until 1905.

In addition to his position with the Pennsylvania Railroad
Company, Mr. Smith, since 1883, has been dealing in grain.
He now owns a farm on Corsica River. Received his educa-
tion in the public schools of Delaware, and was reared on a

ST. MARY'S COUNTY—Two Members.
WILLIAM T. WILKINSON, Fusionist—Hollywood.

Mr. Wilkinson was a Republican member of the House of
Delegates in the Legislature of 1904. He is a brother of ex-
Senator Washington Wilkinson. He was born October 24,
1849, and was educated in primary schools of his native county.
Mr. Wilkinson is engaged in agricultural pursuits.

CHARLES V. HAYDEN, JR., Democrat—Leonardtown.

Dr. Charles V. Hayden, Jr., the younger son of Charles V.
Hayden and Mary S. Hayden, nee Allston, was born on his
father's farm near Leonardtown August 12, 1878. He was edu-
cated in the village school and St. Mary's Academy. Dr. Hay-
den taught for a while in the public schools of St. Mary's
County, and in 1897 entered the Dental Department of the Bal-
timore Medical College, from which he graduated in 1900. He
has since practiced his profession in Leonardtown.

CHARLES A. LOCKERMAN, Democrat—Crisfield.
Mr. Lockerman was born in Denton, Caroline County, April
28 1871 his parents having come to Crisfield in 1873. He was
educated in the public schools, and has been engaged in the
oyster and crab business since twenty years of age. Has never


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Maryland Manual, 1906-07
Volume 118, Page 317   View pdf image (33K)
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