of Aaron Anders, who was formerly a member of the firm of
Anders & Reifsnider, who conducted an extensive milling
business in the place now known as Linganore Hills Inn.
Mr. Anders was educated at the public schools, Union Bridge
High School and at New Windsor College. He graduated in
the law department of the University of Maryland in 1903,
passed the examination given by the State Board of Law Ex-
aminers, and is now a promising young member of the Freder-
ick bar.
His late mother was a Miss Anna Mary Repp prior to her
CHARLES C. EYLER, Republican—Rocky Ridge.
Mr. Eyler is a young man who, by his own energies and
labor, has succeeded in his chosen vocation, and is to-day
a highly respected and representative citizen of the commu-
nity. He was born at Creagerstown, Frederick County, and is
3 son of the late John W. Eyler. He received his early educa-
tion at the public schools in the counties and at Strayer's Busi-
ness College in Baltimore City. In October, 1903, he entered
the law offices of Roth & Simon, also the law department of
the Baltimore University. He is a member of the class of '06.
G. J. LUCKEY, Republican—Frederick R. F. D., 23 Route.
George J. Luckey, one of the Republican members of the
House of Delegates-elect, is from one of the oldest Maryland
families, his ancestors having settled in Harford county far
back in the last century. His grandfather, the Rev. George
Luckey, was pastor of Bethel Church, near Blackhorse, Har-
ford county, from 1785 until his death in 1823. Mr. Luckey
took Greeley's advice and moved West to Ohio in 1855, where
he taught school until the breaking out of the Civil War in
1861. After the war, in 1868, he was elected superintendent
of the public schools of Pittsburgh, a position which he held
for thirty-one years. In 1890 he returned to his native State,
selecting his home in the beautiful Monocacy valley, where he
now resides.
Mr. Luckey is a member of the Grand Army, Post 41,
WILLIAM L. RICHARDS, Republican—Brunswick.
William L. Richards, of Brunswick, Frederick County, Md.,
is a son of Isaac Richards, of Hancock, a contractor and builder,
and was born in Hancock in 1867.
His parents moved to Kansas in 1877, receiving his education
in the grammar school of the town of Ellis, Kans. His family