Has always taken an active part in politics, but has never
been a candidate for public office before, though often urged,
and only consented this time after being assured he would re-
ceive the unanimous support of the Convention.
Is a member of the Improved Order of Red Men and of the
Order United American Mechanics, being a member of the
State body in each order.
GEORGE R. PERCY, Democrat—Cambridge.
Mr. Percy was born at Salem, Dorchester County, Md., Feb-
ruary 7, 1860. Was educated in the public schools and Wash-
ington College, Maryland. Was the nominee of the Democratic
Party for Sheriff in 1895, but was defeated. Has been a travel-
ing salesman for the past seventeen years. Is now the Eastern
shore representative of the Baltimore Branch of Armour Pack-
ing Company, of Chicago, 111.
OLIVER W. HUBBARD, Democrat—East New Market.
Mr. Hubbard was born June 24th, 1868, at "Chateau," the
old family homestead in Linkwood district, Dorchester County,
Maryland; remained on the farm with his parents until after
attaining his majority, then engaged in the oyster and fruit
packing business at Secretary, Dorchester County. Now re-
sides at East New Market, where he is largely engaged in the
lumber business; is also quite extensively engaged in farming
and trucking and is a member of the East New Market Pack-
ing Company, which conducts one of the largest fruit and
tomato canneries on the Eastern Shore of Maryland.
J. HOLLIDAY MURPHY, Republican—Cambridge.
Mr. Murphy was born in Dorchester County, Maryland, May
2. 1862. Was brought up on the farm and educated in the pub-
lic schools. From 1881 to 1885 he was a sailor. Was married
in 1889, and has since been engaged in the lumber business and
farming. Was a member of the Orphans' Court from 1895 to
1899, and was a member of the House of Delegates in 1904.
Mr. Murphy has since been a member of the School Board.
Has four children living—one boy and three girls.
AARON R. ANDERS, Republican—Frederick City.
Mr. Aaron R. Anders is a son of Mr. Calvin B. Anders, of
Johnsville, Md. He was born at Double Pipe Creek, Carroll
County, in 1879, but for the past fifteen years he has been a
resident of Johnsville District, this county. He is a grandson