State Game Warden,
John W. Averitt...................... Allegany County.......................1902
The State Game Warden is appointed by the Governor for two years
from the first day in April. (Chapter 293, 1896.)
The State Game Warden has charge of the enforcement of the
Game and Fish Laws of the State. He is assisted by numerous depu-
ties located in the several counties.
Jesse W. Downey.........................Frederick County..................... 1902
Clarence L. Vincent.............. ........Worcester County....................1902
The Governor, with the consent of the Senate, appoints two for twoyears from the first Monday in May. One shall be from the Eastern
and one from the Western Shore. (P. G. L., Art. 39, Sec. 79).
Fish Commissioners have charge of the artificial propagation of
fish, and the stocking of the waters of the State. One Commissioner
is located on the Eastern Shore and one on the Western Shore.
STATE FIRE MARSHAL— Merchants' National Bank Building, Baltimore,
State Fire Marshal,
Robert M. Price...... ......... ......Queen Anne's County...... .........1902
Charles V. Wantz ..................Carroll County ........ ................
The State Fire Marshal is appointed by the Governor, with the con-
sent of the Senate, for two years from the first Monday in May; all
other officers are appointed by the State Fire Marshal. (Chapter 248,
The State Fire Marshal is required to investigate all fires occurring
in the State to which his attention is called with a view of discovering
the cause thereof. He is especially charged with the duty of investi-
gating incendiary fires and the prosecution of the guilty parties.
Claytoil Purnell.................... ......Allegany County.......................1902
John G. Rogers...........................Howard County........................1902
Joseph M. Gushing........ .............Baltimore City........ ..................1902
Zadoc P. Wharton ...... .................Worcester County.....................1902
The Governor, with the consent of the Senate, appoints four persons
(one of whom shall be from the Eastern Shore), who with the Governor
and the President of the State Normal School constitute the State
Board of Education. Term, two years from the first Monday in May.
(Chapter 157,1890).
The State Board of Education has the general care and supervision
of public education. The Board makes an annual report to the Gov-
ernor of the condition of the schools of the State.
Superintendent of Public Education,
M. Bates Steveiis....................Caroline County........................1904
The Governor, with the consent of the Senate, appoints one for a
term of four years from the first Monday in May and until successor is
appointed and qualified. (Chapter 428, 1900.)