Ernest J.Kelly. ......... Dorchester Co......To guard the waters of
Holland straits.
Alonzo Adams............Dorchester Co......For Hooper straits and
Honga river.
Daniel B. Brannock. ...Dorchester Co......To guard the waters from
the Long Wharf in Carn-bridge to Bo-wdle's house
in Talbot County.
John H.Rogers..........Anne Arundel Co. To guard the waters of
Herring bay.
H.E. Balderson.........Talbot Co.............To guard the waters of
Tred-Avon river from October 15th, 1900, to March 15th, 1901, under
Ch. 314, 1894.
Edgar Cullison..........St. Mary's Co.......To guard the waters of St.
Mary's and St. George's rivers and Smith's creek.
J. Fred Robinson........Queen Anile's Co..To guard waters of Ches-
ter river from October 15th, 1900, to March 15th,1901, under Ch. 314, 1894.
Clerk to the Commander,
Lloyd Lowndes............................. Talbot County.
These appointments are made by the Board of Public Works for two
years, under Chapter 380, of the Acts of 1900. The local boats are
appointed by the Board of Public Works for the term, from November
1st to March 15th following, under Chapter 380, of the Acts of 1900.
The Clerk to the Commander is appointed by the Commander.
The State Fishery Force has charge of the enforcement of the
Oyster Law and the policing of the waters of the State where oysters
are caught. —
Alexander Laird ............................. Crisfield................................1902
Robert F. Walter.............................. Nanticoke............................. 1902
Louis F. Larrimore..........................St. Michael's..... ......... .........1902
Isaac A. Harrison............................ Tilghman's Island.................1902
Thomas A. Sheubrook............. . .....Oxford .................................1902
William P. Baldwin.............. .......... Annapolis.............................. 1902
John H. Branzell .............................Annapolis............ .................1902
Clifton Hughes......... .......................Cambridge................... ........1902
William J. Montgomery...................Cambridge................... .........1902
Calvert Oreni ................................. Cambridge............................1902
William Pohler................................ Baltimore City.......................1902
Isador G. Kathman..........................Baltiniore City.......................1902
Benjamin K. Green........ .................Baltimore City.......................1902
Thomas H. Tankersley ....................Baltimore City......... ..............1902
William J. Kennedy........................Baltimore City.......................1902
The Governor at each session of the General Assembly appoints
fifteen General Measurers and Inspectors of Oysters as follows: Five
for Baltimore City, two for Annapolis, one for Oxford, one for Tilgh-
man's Island, one for St. Michael's, three for Cambridge, one for
Nanticoke and one for Crisfield. Senate confirmation not required.
(Chapter 380, 1900, Section 57).
The General Measurers and Inspectors of Oysters supervise the
measuring of oysters in bulk in order to prevent the sale of small or
unculled oysters, and generally to assist in the enforcement of the
oyster law.