May; all other officers are appointed by the Chief of Bureau, and hold
office during his pleasure. (Chapter 20, 1892).
The Industrial Bureau is charged with the collection, classification
and arrangement of information concerning the various industries of
the State and the needs thereof; and with the annual publication of
the data so obtained.
BUREAU OF IMMIGRATION— Mer. Nat. Bank Bldg., Baltimore.
Charles N. Hargett.......... ......Frederick County.....................1902
Hattersly W. Talbott............. Montgomery County.................1902
J. W. Kerr.............. ......... ......Caroline County.......................1902
Herman Badenhoop ........ ......Baltimore City........... ...............
The Governor appoints, with the consent of the Senate, one Presi-
dent, one State Superintendent and one Commissioner of Immigration,
which composes the Bureau of Immigration, for a term of two years
from the first Monday in May; the Secretary is appointed by the Board.
(Chapter 282,1898).
The Bureau of Immigration is established for the purpose of en-
couraging immigration to this State. The Bureau is required to pre-
pare and distribute maps, pamphlets and other printed matter pertain-
ing to the resources of the Slate, the shipping and marketing facilities.
The Bureau makes an annual report to the Governor.
INSURANCE COMMISSIONER— Mer. Nat. Bank Bldg., Baltimore.
Insurance Commissioner,
Lloyd Wilkinson........... .........Worcester County.....................1904
George W. Truitt. ....... .........Roland Park.................... .........
Assistant Clerks,
B. S. Hargis............ ............................................. ....... .........
W. B. Usilton............................................... ........................
The Insurance Commissioner is appointed by tile Board of Public
Works, for a term of four years from date of qualification, and until
his successor is qualified; all other officers are appointed by the Insur-
ance Commissioner and hold office during his pleasure. (Chapter 703,
The Insurance Commissioner has charge of the enforcement of the
life, fire and marine Insurance Laws of the State.
George R. Gaither, Jr............Baltimore City..........................1904
Milton G. Urner......................Frederick County......... ......... ...1904.
Stevenson A. Williams.. ......... Harford County......... ...............1904
The Governor appoints three for a term not to exceed four years'
(Chapter 264,1896).
The Commissioners for the Promotion of Uniformity of Legisla-
tion in the United States are required to examine the subjects of
marriage and divorce, insolvency and other subjects, and to ascertain
the best means to effect an assimilation and uniformity in the laws of
the States. The Board is required to report to the Legislature.