Senator. This rendered him ineligible. He was last
elected to the State Senate in 1897. Mr. Wilkinson is an
attentive member to the business of the session, and believes
in a broad system of advanced State government.
Somerset County—LEMUEL E. P. DENNIS, Republican.
Mr. Dennis was born in Somerset county. He is a suc-
cessful merchant of Crisfield. He served a term as col-
lector of the port of Crisfield. His high character brought
him a large vote in his native county.
Talbot County—H. CLAY DODSON, Republican.
H. Clay Dodson was a member of the House of Dele-
gates in 1888 and also in 1896. He is slightly over fifty
years of age, was bom and raised in St. Michael's, and is a
prominent drug merchant there. He was elected to the
State Senate in 1897.
Washington County—R. ABNER BETTS, Democrat.
Mr. Betts was born January 8, 1852, and raised in
Chewsville, Washington county, being the son of the late
Luther D. Betts. At the age of 12 years he became clerk
in the store of Mr. A. B. Baruhart, at State Line, Pa.
After a year and a half in his service, he returned home
and entered his father's store, clerking in the summer and
going to school in the winter. At the age of 20 years he
purchased a half interest in the business, and the firm con-
tinued for eight years as L. D. Betts & Son. He then
engaged in the grain and fertilizer business and branched
out for himself. In 1889 Mr. Betts was elected a County
Commissioner, being the only democrat elected on the
ticket that year. In 1891 he was elected a director of the
Western Maryland Railroad, serving four years, and is now
a director in the Baltimore and Cumberland Valley Branch.
In 1895 he again received the nomination for County
Commissioner and was defeated, with the balance of the
ticket, by a small majority. In 1897 he was elected a
member of the Maryland Legislature. For a time he
operated grain elevators for the Western Maryland Rail-
road at Fairfield, Southampton and Sbippensburg, Pa.
He is a member of the Masonic order.