only eon of the late Judge William Viers Bouic. He was
educated at the Rockville Academy and Columbian Univer-
sity, Washington, from which latter institution he gradu-
ated in 1867. He was admitted to the bar in 1870. In
1892 Mr. Bouic was a presidental elector, and was Mayor
of Rockville for several terms. He was elected to the
State Senate in 1897.
Prince George's County—WILLIAM B. CLAGETT, Democrat.
William B. Clagett, is a native of Prince George's. He
is about forty-five old, and is a son of the late Charles
Clagett. In 1894, Mr. Clagett came within one vote of the
Democratic nomination for Congress from the fifth district.
During the administration of Governor Brown, he was one
of the State Tobacco Inspectors. He was elected to the
.State Senate in 1897.
Queen Anne's County—JAMBS B. KIRWIS, Democrat.
Mr. Kirwin was born in Baltimore city, June 9, 1848.
His father was Capt. Lemuel Kirwin, of Dorchester county.
At the age of 16, he took command of the schooner
William Barnes and continued as master of different
Chesapeake bay schooners for a number of years. For
two years he was department commander of the oyster
navy, and was one of the most active men in the service.
While still commander of a bay vessel, he engaged in mer-
cantile business in Stevensville, Kent Island, and made
himself one of the most successful business men in the
county. He is a large real estate owner on Kent Island,
and is a director in the Centreville National Bank. He is
connected with Arcanna Lodge of Masons, in Baltimore,
and is also a member of the Improved Order of Heptasophs
and Knights of Pythias on Kent Island.
St. Mary's County—WASHINGTON WILKINSON, Republican.
Washington Wilkinson is now filling his third term as
Senator for St. Mary's county. His education was obtained
in primary schools of the county. When the Governor's
"Green Bag" came down, in 1898, Senator Wilkinson's
name was found in it for State Fire Marshal. He was
promptly confirmed by his fellow Senators. After he was
confirmed, it was discovered that the law that created the
office, had been passed in 1894, whilst Mr. Wilkinson was