on the part of this State to ascertain and fix the true
boundary line between the States of Maryland and West
Virginia. (Acts of 1892, chapter 159.)
The Governor is authorized to appoint, by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate, boards of school com-
missioners for each county. Salary limited to $100. No
bond. Term, six years. (Act of 1892, chapter 341.) In
Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick and Washington counties
the boards consist of six members; three in the other
The Governor is authorized to appoint two engineers,
of not less than ten years' practical experience, as a board
of examining engineers. Bond, $3,000 each. Salary,
$1,500 each. Clerk, $1,000. Term, two years. (Act of
1892, chapter 448.)
The Governor is authorized to select the Police Justices
to sit at the station houses in Baltimore. (Act of 1892,
chapter 651.)
The Governor is authorized to appoint a Fire Marshal
of the State, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate. Bond, $5,000. Salary, §2,500. Clerk, $1,200.
Term, until his successor is appointed and qualified.
(Acts of 1894, chapter 248.)
The Governor is authorized to appoint a "State Veter-
inary Medical Board " of five, in good standing in some
school of veterinary medicine. Term four years; who
shall hold office until their successors are appointed and
qualified. No salaries or fees. No bond. (Act of 1894,
chapter 273.)
The Governor is authorized to appoint, by and with the
advice and consent of the Senate, thirty auctioneers for
the city of Baltimore. No bond. no salary. (Acts of
1894, chapter 474.)
The Governor is authorized to appoint special police-
men for the Friendly Inn of Baltimore city. (Act of 1894,
chapter 541.)
The Governor is authorized to appoint seven coroners
for Baltimore, with the consent of the Senate, at $1,000
a year each, salary. (Acts of 1894, ch. 84.)
The Comptroller and the Treasurer shall, within the
first two weeks of January, April, July and October, in
every year, in the presence of the Governor, count and
cancel the bonds and certificates for stocks of the State,
purchased or obtained by the Treasurer, for the use of
the sinking fund. (P. G. L., Article 95, section 23.)