The Governor, by the advice and consent of the Senate,
shall appoint at every regular session of the Legislature,
four persons, one to be a resident of the Eastern shore,
who, with the Governor and principal of the State Normal
School, shall constitute the Maryland State Board of
Education. (Article 77, section 5, P. G. L.)
The Governor is authorized to select out of the justices
appointed under section 607, Article 4, of the Public
Local Laws, title "City of Baltimore," one for each station-
house, and are to have such hours as the police commis-
sioners may designate. (Acts of 1890, chapter 230.)
The Governor is authorized to appoint a notary public
for Brunswick, Frederick county. (Acts of 1890, chapter
The Governor is authorized to appoint two notaries
public to reside in Cockeysville, Baltimore county. (Acts
of 1890, chapter II.)
The Governor is authorized to appoint three persons
as a Board of Liquor Commissioners for Baltimore city.
Two only to be on one political party. Term, two years.
Salary, $1,500. No bond required of the board. (Acts
of 1890, chapter 343; Acts of 1892, chapter 13.)
The Governor is authorized to appoint a general staff,
consisting of Adjutant-General, of salary of $2,000; term
until appointment and qualification of successor. Must
be by and with advice of the Senate. No bond required.
The staff consisting of a Quarter Master General, a Chief
of Ordinance, an Inspector General, a Surgeon General,
and a Judge Advocate and ten aides-de-camp ; appear to be
without the advice and consent of Senate and have no
salary nor bond. (Article 65, section 6, of P. G. L. Act
of 1896, chapter 89.)
The Governor is authorized to appoint seven coroners
for Baltimore city, at a salary each of $750. Bond $2,000.
Term two years. (Act of 1890, chapter 15.)
The Governor is authorized to appoint, with the advice
and consent of the Senate, a chief of the industrial bureau.
Salary, $2,500. Term two years. (Acts of 1892, chapter 29.)
The Governor is authorized to appoint a treasurer for
Calvert county. Term, two years. Salary, commissions.
Bond, $30,000. (Act of 1890, chapter 183 ; Act of 1892,
chapter 64.)
The Governor was authorized to appoint an arbitrator