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Maryland Manual, 1897
Volume 109, Page 106   View pdf image (33K)
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Commissioner of the Land Office, Judges, Clerks of Courts
of Law, and Registers of Wills shall be decided by the
House of Delegates, and the testimony shall be taken in
such cases in the same manner as herein prescribed in
contested seats of the Senate or House of Delegates.
(Article 35, section 52, P. G. L., Acts 1865, chapter 143.
Constitution of 1867, Article 3, section 12.)

The Committee on Elections of the two Houses of the
General Assembly, shall, at every session thereof, ascer-
tain from an examination of the books of the Treasurer,
whether any member-elect of their respective Houses is
in default to the treasury, and if so, report the same to
their respective Houses. (Article 62, section 7, P. G. L,,
Maryland Code.)


The Legislature elects, on joint ballot, United States
Senators, (Act of Congress, 1866,) State Treasurer, (Article
III, section I, Maryland Constitution,) and Police Com-
missioners for the city of Baltimore. (Article LXIV, P.
G. L., section 722, Maryland Code.)

The election for United States Senator begins on the
second Tuesday after the commencement of the session
of the Legislature next preceding the expiration of the
incumbent's term. The United States Senators are elected
from the Eastern and Western shores. (Act of Congress,
July 25, 1866; Article VI, section I, Maryland Constitu-
tion ; Acts of 1867, chapter 367; Acts of 1874, chapter 2.)

The Act of Congress passed 25th of July, 1866, pre-
scribes the manner of the election of Senators of the
United States as follows :

SECTION 1. The Legislature of each State, which shall
be chosen next preceding the expiration of the time for
which any Senator was elected to represent said State in
Congress, shall, on the second Tuesday after the meeting
and organization thereof, proceed to elect a Senator in
Congress, in the place of such Senator so going out of
office, in the following manner :

Each House shall, openly, by a viva voce vote of each
member present, name one person for Senator in Con-
gress from said State, and the name of the person so
voted for, who shall have a majority of the whole number
of votes cast in each House, shall be entered on the


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Maryland Manual, 1897
Volume 109, Page 106   View pdf image (33K)
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