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Maryland Manual, 1897
Volume 109, Page 105   View pdf image (33K)
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chapter 261, and by the current Legislature. (Acts of
1882, chapter 261.) *

The laws of each General Assembly that are made to
take effect before the first day of June next, after the
session at which it may be passed, which the Governor
and Attorney General shall direct, shall immediately
after its passage be published ait the expense of the State
for one week in three daily newspapers in the city of
Baltimore, one of which shall be in the German language,
one of which shall be a law paper, and such newspaper
or newspapers in each county as the President of the
Senate and the Speaker of the House of Delegates may
direct. (Acts of 1882, chapter 251. Chapter 15, Acts of

A certified copy of Public Local Laws, made to take
effect as above, shall be transmitted by the Secretary of
the Senate, if the same shall have originated in the
Senate, and by the Chief Clerk of the House, if the same
shall have originated in the House, immediately upon its
passage, to the County Commissioners of the county or
counties, in which the same may operate, or to the Mayor
of the city of Baltimore, if the same is to operate in that
city; and it shall be the duty of the said County Com-
missioners and Mayor upon receipt of such certified copy
to have the same published. (Acts of 1870, chapter 274.)

Certified copies of the Public General Laws are to be
sent to the newspapers selected to publish the same by
the Secretary of the Senate and Chief Clerk of the House,
as the laws originate in their respective chambers. (Acts
1882, chapter 251, section 1.)

Dorchester, Somerset, Washington, Wicomico and
Worcester counties are exempted from publishing their
local laws. (Acts 1872, chapter 410, Acts 1870, chapters
105 and 174.)

Cancelled Bonds. The Finance Committee of the
Senate and the Committee on Ways and Means of the
House, are required, during each session of the Legisla-
ture, to examine, count and burn all bonds and certificates
of stock as have been purchased or obtained, up to the
close of the fiscal year, next preceding the session, which
have been purchased by the Comptroller and Treasurer
for the Sinking Fund, and shall report to the Legislature
their proceedings. (Acts 1862, chapter 112.)

All contested elections for Comptroller of the Treasury,


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Maryland Manual, 1897
Volume 109, Page 105   View pdf image (33K)
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