Mary's county, and Washington College, Chestertown, Mary-
land, and was graduated in medicine from the University of
Maryland in 1856. He has been engaged in the practice of medi-
cine in connection with farming since that time. He served a
term as county commissioner from 1866 to 1868, and was a
member of the constitutional convention of 1867. He was a
candidate for the Senate on a fusion ticket nominated by the
Republicans in 1879, but was defeated. He was a member of
the school board appointed in 1892. Dr. Ireland's seat was con-
tested by his Republican opponent.
He was a member of committee on agriculture, on public
hygiene and on currency.
Joseph M. Sherbert.
Joseph M. Sherbert, Democrat, was born January 21, 1853,
near Bristol, Anne Arundel county. At the age of five years
his father moved to Calvert county, in the neighborhood of
Huntingtown. He worked on the farm in summer and attended
school during the winter season. In the fall of 1872 he entered
the store of J. J. Norfolk & Bro., at Huntingtown, and remained
with them until the spring of 1876. Then he went to Baltimore
and found employment in a dry goods house. On account of
failing health, in the fall of 1882 he returned to Calvert and
entered the store of his former employers as partner, which
place he still occupies. His seat was contested by his Republican
He was a member of committee on Chesapeake Bay and its
tributaries, on labor, on insolvency, 6n temperance and regulation
of liquor traffic.
Seated Members.
Dr. Samuel R. Bird.
On the 14th of February the committee on elections reported
to the House, and the House adopted the report that declared
that Mr. Sherbert, Democrat, was not elected, and that Dr.
Samuel R. Bird, Republican, was elected; and that Dr. John F.
Ireland, Democrat, was not elected, and that Arthur A. Harkness,
Republican, was elected delegate from Calvert county. The
report was adopted by a strict party vote.
Dr. Samuel R. Bird was born in Anne Arundel county, West
River, in 1828, and was educated in a private school at Owens-
ville and at Dickinson College. He left college at the end of
the sophomore year. He studied medicine at the University of
Pennsylvania, and was in the hospital at Philadelphia for a year.
He went to Calvert county in April, 1853, and built up an ex-