Mr. Birkefeld died just as the January session began, never
having taken his seat in the House. There was no election to
fill the vacancy. The expense being so great, estimated $5, 000
for the special election, and no political issues devolving upon it,
as the Republicans had such a large majority, the vacancy was
allowed to remain.
Z. Householder.
Zebedee Householder, Republican, was born in West Virginia
thirty-eight years ago, and was educated in the public schools.
Half of his life has been spent in the service of the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad Company as clerk and time-keeper. He has
been a resident of St. Denis for the past thirteen years, and has
always taken an active interest in the advancement of the neigh-
borhood. His family consists of a wife and five children.
Mr. Householder has been a trustee of the public school in his
district for the last year. He was one of the organizers and
directors of the St. Denis Mutual Loan and Savings Association.
He belongs to the Order of Knights Pythias, and is a member of
A. F. U., Howard Lodge, 101; a member of St. John's Royal
Arch Chapter, a member of the Baltimore Commandery, No. 2,
and a member of the Mystic Shrine. He was Master of Howard
Lodge for four years. At the close of this service he was pre-
sented with a Passed Master's jewel, the first ever given by this
ancient lodge.
He is a member of the committee on organization, on com-
mittee on inspections, chairman of the committee on currency,
on insurance and loan company, on immigration.
Peter F. Wilhelm.
Peter F. Wilhelm, Republican, is a native of the upper end of
Baltimore county, and resides upon his farm in the sixth district,
near Freeland postoffice. He is a plasterer by trade. He re-
ceived his education in the public schools of the county. Mr.
Wilhelm is sixty-three years old, and is a member of the Masonic
Order. He is a noted local debater, and is a fair speaker. He
has never held any public office before.
He is a member of the committee on agriculture, on com-
mittee on public buildings, on insolvency, on civil service.
Dr. John Fielder Ireland.
Dr. John F. Ireland, member of the House of Delegates, was
born April 19, 1834, and attended school at Charlotte Hall, St.