BALTIMORE CITY—Second District.
Senator William Cabell Bruce.
William Cabell Bruce, Democrat, a hold-over member of the
State Senate from the second legislative district of Baltimore
city, was born on March 12th, 1860, at Staunton Hill, the resi-
dence of his father, Charles Bruce, in Charlotte county, Vir-
ginia. Through his father and mother he is connected by ties of
relationship with the Cabells, Seddons, Wellfords, Taliaferros
and other families of Virginia. His mother was a sister of the
late James A. Seddon, the Confederate Secretary of War.
Mr. Bruce is an attorney, and a member of the law firm of
Fisher, Bruce & Fisher, of which Ex-Judge William A. Fisher
is the senior partner. He received his academic education at
Pampatike Academy and Norwood High School and College, in
Virginia, and his professional at the University of Virginia and
the University of Maryland, graduating at the latter institution
in 1882, and commencing the practice of law in Baltimore in the
fall of that year. During the year Mr. Bruce was a student at
the University of Virginia, he was awarded by one committee of
the faculty the medal annually given for the best paper appear-
ing in the University Magazine, and by another the medal
awarded annually to the best debater of the Jefferson Literary
Society. At the time of his graduation from the Law School of
the University of Maryland, Mr. William L. Marbury and him-
self were selected as the class orators. In 1887, Mr. Bruce was
married to Louise Este, the only daughter of Ex-Judge William
A. Fisher, and they have two children.
At the general election in 1893, he was elected by the Demo-
cratic Party to his present position of State Senator, the only
political position he has ever held.
He is a firm and devoted adherent of President Cleveland and
thoroughly in accord with the policies so earnestly advocated by
the President. The bills that most strongly enlisted his interest
in the General Assembly of 1894, were the re-assessment, merit
system of appointment, child labor and ticket-of-leave bills.
He was elected by the Democrats President of the State
Senate, at January Session, 1896, and introduced and made his