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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 563   View pdf image (33K)
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that I have not at any time been in armed hostility to the
United States or the lawful authorities thereof, and that. I
have not been in any manner in the service of the so-called
Confederate States of America, and that I have not volunta-
rily left this State and gone within the military lines of the
so-called Confederate States or armies with the purpose of
adhering to said States or armies."
Entitled, an Act to restore to the full rights of citizen-
ship all persons disqualified by the fourth section of article
first of the Constitution from voting and from holding any
office 'if honor, profit or trust under the laws of the State.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly a/Mary-
land, That every person who has at any time been in armed
hostility to the United States, or the lawful authorities there-
of, or who has been in any manner in the service of the so-
called Confederate States of America, and every person who
has voluntarily left the State and gone within the military
lines of the so-called Confederate States or armies, with the
purpose of adhering to said States or armies, and eve-
ry person also who has given any aid or comfort, counte-
nance or support to those engaged in armed hostility to the
United States, or in manner adhered to the enemies of the
United States, either by contributing to the enemies of the
United States, or unlawfully sending within the lines of such
enemies, -money or goods, or letters or information, or who
has disloyally held communication with the enemies, of the
United States, or who has advised any person to enter, the
service of the said armies, or aided any person so to enter, or
who has by any open deed or word declared his adhesion to
the cause of the enemies of the United States, or his desire
for the triumph of said enemies over the armies of the United
States and who is thereby disqualified from voting at any
election to bo held in this State, or from holding any office of
honor, profit or trust under the laws of this State, be and he
is hereby restored to his full rights of citizenship in this State,
and every such person shall be entitled to vote at all elections
to be held hereafter in this State, and to be registered as a
qualified voter, and to hold any office of honor, profit or trust
under the laws of this State provided, he possess the other
qualifications required by the. constitution and laws of this
State and provided, he shall take and subscribe before the
officers of registration in the election district or precinct in
which he resides, the following oath or affirmation: I do swear
or affirm, that I am a citizen of the United States and that I
will bear true allegiance to the State of Maryland, and sup-
port the Constitution and laws thereof, and that I will bear
true allegiance to the United States, and support, protect and

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 563   View pdf image (33K)
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