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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 560   View pdf image (33K)
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action of the people will be firm, manly, persistent and cour-
ageous in' the effort to regain their rights (hey will be regain-
ed, and through the forms of law, before many years elapse
even if this Legislature fails to act. No such enactments can
remain long upon the Statute Books of Maryland. It is only
a question of time. Is it not better at once to begin the era
of good feeling in the State than to postpone it? Is it not
better that rather than others who are to come after us should
begin the good work of restoring our organic law to a true.
annunciation of republican principles? Is it not better that
we should by our Legislation foster now our State prosperity
than delay and loiter on the way?
The minority of this committee in seeking to administer that
relief which is demanded, finds the subject attended with
some embarrassment. Only a few days more of the session
remain. The views of the Executive have been expressed
as opposed to any action on this subject changing at this time
the present qualifications of voters in the State.
While the minority at the committee would favor the
adoption of the bill which has been referred to them, and
also the adoption of the joint resolutions, in the form in
which they were originally presented, he is satisfied there is
no possibility of securing the passage of either measure at
this session, and he therefore submits for the action of the Senate
joint resolutions in an amended form, appended to this re-
. he adoption of these resolutions, while they give some
response to the popular demands, are not in conflict with the
position assumed by the Governor in his message. They
propose no modification of the law at .this session; the Legis-
lature assumes no direct responsibility. The next election
will be conducted according to the existing legislative and
constitutional provisions. The question is remitted to the
registered voters to say whether such an amendment of the
constitution shall be made. While the minority of the com-
mittee proposes this measure of relief as tailing far short of
his own individual views, he. urges the adoption by the Le-
gislature of this restricted measure of redress with an earn-
estness he has never felt upon any other subject of legislative
from Select Committee. '

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 560   View pdf image (33K)
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