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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 559   View pdf image (33K)
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tution, but many supporters of the Administration, have no
M hare) in the conduct of State affairs. There is ho appeal
from the decisions of these Officers of Registration, and
their action is final and conclusive.
Is not such a spectacle appalling and humiliating to the
friends and lovers of republican institutions, and a sad com-
mentary upon the early history of the State which placed
her in the foremost rank of States as a champion of civil and
religious liberty? The popular heart is aroused as it never
was before in the State. Petitions are pouring in, signed by
men of all shades of political opinion, for some legislative
action. Meetings are held in every county in the State. A
convention, representing the sentiments of three-fourths of
the people of the State, has recently assembled in the city of
Baltimore, and has sent a delegation here, asking for some
legislative relief. Shall we disregard all these signs of the
times, and fail to respond to the demands of the popular heart?
While the law-making power should never be influenced by
mere load clamor or noisy demonstrations, it should ever re-
gard the calm, deliberate, temperate demands made for re-
dress of wrongs which permeate the -political organism
of' the State. In opposing or not relieving these temperate
demands the seeds of discontent are engendered, and a "fruitful
source of. dissension among the people" is kept alive. Mary-
land now needs peace within her borders. Situated in the
centre of this great country, with the seat of Government on
her borders, and the dome of the National Capitol; almost
casting its shadows upon her territory, her policy should, be
one of toleration to all classes of men and shades of opinion.
The State is about to extend her business relations with
the North, the South and the West. She seeks and invites
emigration from all sections of the country. Can these ends
be attained if our people are kept in a continual state of tur-
moil, and old political animosities are fostered? Public
policy and a mere appeal to the material interests of the
State dictate some action by this Legislature.
But the question lies deeper and is more vital than one of
mere, policy. Is it right for one-third of the people to govern
two-thirds without giving them a voice in the administration
of public affairs? Is it not a violation of the great principle,
"no taxation without representation," for which our fathers
fought? Is it not anti-Republican, and does it not establish,
if continued, a permanent tyranny and despotism?
Some relief should be furnished by this Legislature. The
people have borne during the past election their wrongs look-
ing to the assembling of this body for a redress of their griev-
ances. What course they will pursue, when no redress comes
it is not for the minority of this committee to indicate. The

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 559   View pdf image (33K)
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