contemplated adjournment, communicate the facts, through
their Secretary, to the Governor, and request to be informed
whether he has any further nominations to make.
The secresy enjoined by the 35th and 36th Rules shall he
construed to apply to all proceedings in Executive Session,
except the names of nominees, and the confirmation or rejec-
tion thereof, without the privilege of asSIgning reasons pend-
ing the injunction, or disclosing the vote or opinion of any
In addition to the Standing Committees of the Senate, there
shall be appointed by the President, an Executive Committee
on Executive Nominations, whose duty it shall be, unless
otherwise ordered by the Senate, to examine all recommenda-
tions made to the Executive in favor of applicants for Office,
and all communications received by the Executive opposed to
the appointment of any applicant, so far as said recommenda0
tions and communications may be communicated to said Com-
mittee by the Executive, and report thereon.
It shall not be permitted to any Senator, in the form of any
Order, Resolution or otherwise, to place upon the Journals
any observation made by himself or another, touching the
character or fitness for office, of any individual.
The forms adopted by the Committee on the Constitution,
on the part of the Senate, and the Committee on the Judicia-
ry, on the part of the House, shall be hereafter pursued in
the introduction and passago of any bill.
The following are additional standing committees
A Committee on Federal Relations.
A Committee on Militia.
A Committee on the Chesapeake Bay and its Tributaries.