When nominations shall be made in writing, by the Gov-
ernor, to the Senate, a future day shall be assigned for their
consideration, unless the Senate unanimously direct otherwise.
When the President shall understand that the Senate is
prepared to decide upon any pending nomination, he shall
put the question: "Will the Senate advise and consent to the
nomination of , to the office of ?" and if re-
quired by any Senator, the said question shall be determined
by taking the yeas and nays.
All confidential communications made by the Governor to
the Senate, shall be, by the Members thereof, kept secret un-
til the Senate shall, by Order or Resolution, take off the in-
junction of secresy; this Rule not to impose secresy as to the
nominees to office, unless specially ordered by the Senate.
All information or remarks touching or concerning the
character or qualifications of any person nominated by the
Governor, shall be kept secret.
All nominations definitely acted on by the Senate, shall be
retnrned by the Secretary to the Governor, from day to day,
as they may occur; and when requested by the Governor,
authenticated transcripts of the Executive Records of the
Senate may, by the order of the Senate, be furnished to the
Governor; and all original papers touching the Executive
Proceedings of the Senate shaU be carefully filed in the office
of the Secretary of the Senate, and there preserved, unless re-
quested to be returned by the Governor, or ordered to be so
returned by the order of the Senate; and no Executive busi-
ness shall be made known or published by the Secretary,
without the special direction of the Senate.
Whenever it shall be determined by the Joint Resolution of
the two Branches of the General Assembly, or otherwise, that
the General Assembly will finally adjourn on a particular
day, the Senate shall, at least twenty-four hours before such