bery, root, vegetable, fruit or grain or any fencing,
cord wood or hoop poles, shall, on conviction there-
of in any of the Courts or before a Justice of the
Peace of the State, having jurisdiction thereof, be
adjudged guilty of a misdemeanor, and be fined
not less than five dollars nor more than one hund-
red dollars, or be imprisoned in the city or county
Jail not less than one month nor more than two
months, or be both fined and imprisoned as afore-
said in the discretion of the Court or Justice of
the Peace aforesaid, and that this Act shall apply
to Allegany, Frederick, Prince George's Harford,
Washington, Baltimore, Kent, Queen Anne's
Talbot, Caroline, Cecil, Somerset, Carroll, Wor-
cester, Anne Arundel, Montgomery, St. Mary's,
Charles and Horward counties. |
In force. |
Sec. 7. And be it enacted, That this Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage. |
CHAPTER 154. |
Passed Mar,
21, 1867. |
AN ACT to empower Atwood Blunt, of Balti-
more county, State of Maryland, to construct a
Railroad from the Waltersville Quarry to the
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. |
Preamble. |
WHEREAS, Atwood Blunt, of Baltimore coun-
ty, State of Maryland, has upon his lands a gran-
ite quarry of superior quality, known by the name
of the Waltersville Granite Quarry, and he being
unable, for the want of an adequate Railroad from
the same, connecting with the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad to supply the demands of the trade for
said stone: therefore |
Authority to
locate and con-
struct a Rail-
road. |
SECTION .1 Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the said Atwood Blunt,
his heirs or assigns, shall be, and is hereby invest-
ed with full power to locate and construct a Rail-
road, with the necessary appurtenances, beginning |