of trustees shall not have the power to alienate or
otherwise dispose of any property of the Academy
without its consent; in case the Academy shall
cease to exist, they then have the power to assign
the property and funds to any scientific or literary
institution in the State of Maryland. |
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That upon the order
of the President, countersigned by the Secretary,
the trustees shall pay to the treasurer any money
or moneys called for by the order aforesaid, and
the said trustees shall annually, or as often as the
Academy may request, make a statement of the
funds and property under their charge. |
Authority to
pay money. |
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the seat of said
Academy shall be in the city of Baltimore, and
the said Academy shall have power to appoint
such and so many officers under such denomina-
tions as they may think proper, and shall elect
honorary and corresponding members, non-resi-
dents of the city of Baltimore, under such regula-
tions and such privileges in the said Academy as
they may think proper from time to time to grant. |
Where loca-
ted. |
Sec. 6. And be it enacted, That tins Act shall
take effect from the date of its passage. |
In force. |
CHAPTER 152. |
AN ACT to appropriate one hundred thousand
dollars for the relief of destitute people in
States wasted by civil war. |
Passed Mar.
21, 1867. |
WHEREAS, it has come to the knowledge of this
General Assembly that in consequence of the de-
struction of property and the failure of crops in
many parts of the States of Virginia, North and
South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mis-
sissippi, Louisiana, Texas, Arkansas and Tennes-
see, great number of helpless people have been re-
duced to want, and are in danger of starvation,
and whereas it is the duty of those who have es-
caped such evils to give out of their abundance to
their less favored brethren; therefore, |
Preamble. |