this Union by the encouragement of the various
departments of science and the collection and
preservation of natural objects; and whereas a so-
ciety has been already organized for this purpose,
which is desirous of obtaining an act of incorpo-
ration, and as it is important to direct the atten-
tion of ingenious and observant men to the de-
velopment of the natural resources of our State ;
therefore, |
—power and
privileges |
SECTION 1. .Be it enacted by the General assem-
bly of Maryland, That Philip F. Tyson, John G.
Morris, Edward A. Dalrymple, Charles C. Bom-
baugh, John Fonarden, Christopher C. Johnston,
W. E. A. Aiken, John Uhler, Philip Uhler, G.
Lane Taneyhill, G. A. Leakin, W. H. Letterman,
John W. Lee, George Poplein, and their succes-
sors, members of the Academy, be and they are
hereby constituted a body politic and corporate,
with perpetual succession, under the style and
title of the Maryland Academy of Sciences, with
power to them and their successors to adopt a com-
mon seal and the same to alter and change, and
by the name above written to sue and be sued, im-
plead and be impleaded, and to take and hold
property, real, personal and mixed and the same
to sell, exchange or otherwise dispose of, and in
general to do, perform and suffer all acts and
things which may lawfully be done, performed
and suffered by a natural person. |
May make
rules and regu-
lations, |
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this incorporation,
or a majority of members of the same, shall have full
power to make a system of rules and regulations,
under the name of Constitution and By-Laws or
otherwise, for the management of their affairs and
the government of the said society, and the same
to alter and amend, abrogate and annul whenever |
Proviso. |
they may think proper; provided the said con-
stitution and by-laws be not repugnant to law. |
Property to
be vested in a
board of Trus-
tees. |
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That all property now
owned and that may be hereafter acquired, shall
be vested in a board of five trustees, to be ap-
pointed by said Academy; all vacancies occurring in
said board shall be filled by the Academy; the board |