Act passed January session, eighteen hundred and
fifty-six, chapter one hundred and forty-eight, en-
titled " an Act to incorporate the Kent County
Railroad Company," relating to the condemnation
and valuation of lands and the mode of assessing
damages, returning inquisitions and other pro-
ceedings, shall be applicable in all respects to the
lands of minors or persons under lawful age as if
they were made to apply to the same by the terms
of the said section, and that the said act of eigh-
teen hundred and fifty-six, chapter one hundred
and forty-eight, shall be applicable to the lands
and estate of minors or persons under lawful age,
in the same manner as if the said lands and the
interests and estate of minors, were embraced and
included in terms, in the said Act of the General
Assembly. |
Authority to
issue bonds and
pledge proper-
ty. |
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the said Kent
County Railroad Company shall have power to
issue its bonds or other securities) or the pledge of
its property, estate and franchise, bearing interest
at a rate not exceeding six per centum per annum,
redeemable at any time within twenty years, and
not exceeding in amount the sum of three hundred
thousand dollars) and dispose of the same for the
purpose of constructing and equipping said rail-
road, and the erection of building and for all pur-
poses connected with the making, equipping, com-
pleting and running said road, and no bond of the
said company issued in good faith for the construc-
tion, completion, or equipment of said railroad, shall
be annulled or abated, because the same may be
disposed of by the said company at less than its
par value. |
Lien of the
State waived. |
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That the bonds; secu-
rities,, or pledges of property mentioned and re-
ferred to in the above second section, are in addi-
tion to the bonds, securities and pledges, author-
ized to be issued or put out by the Act of Assem-
bly passed at the extra January Session, eighteen
hundred and sixty-six, chapter one hundred and
fifty, entitled an Act to secure the completion of the
Kent County Railroad, by the Kent County Rail-
road Company, and to regulate the mode of voting
at meetings of stockholders of railroad companies
on the Eastern Shore, and that lien held by the |