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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 1892   View pdf image (33K)
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Jos Vernon
Michael McKenna
Henry McGuire
Lewis Lamont
Jas Reynolds
Patrick Dunnigan
James Bien
-Bernard Sullivan
Jno Dowd
Jno Freishoi
Jas Mairs
Thos Phillips jr
Geo W Goodrick
A Burringham
Job Foster
Fryick Whalen
John Kohles
Anthony Cline
Chas F Price
t/as D Green
Henry Duff
Geo W D Williamson
F H Fleming
D C Webb
Jno Westin
Sami P Weson
R A McAllister senr
G P Pohl
Chas F. Watkins
W H Kelly
Obed Pearce
Jas L Bond
G H Carter
Jno G Hooper
Ino T Guyton
Thes Beard
lames Whitelson
David lamison
. E C Carman
Benjamin F Foard
Jacob Rutledge
Charles Singleton.
Thomas Loftus
Sylvester Foard
Wm A Durham.
Jno A Ellinger
E D Richardson

H L Gallagher
C T Smith
Jas H W Canamore
Jas Towles
J Eamart Brown
Geo P Rinehart
I B Swigert
I I Murley
Henry Reier
Joseph T Lucas
Alexander McComas
Geo W Ellender
E Wyatt Blanchard
E B Piper
I H Stewart
Thes I Brown
P Gahan
S -Seelbrun
Chas Reatsr
A H Tarr
I H Weaver
Chas N Ellis
H C McCarley
Chas B Drury
las Crowley
R Sfcinson
O A Thornstorn
W H Fleraming
Jno Carroll
L D Sweeny
J M Eastougher
W G. Stephenson
M Bannon
P Gorsuch
Daniel H Gorsuch
N Rufns Gill
G W Winchester
Geo 0. Payne
R F Rupp
R D Carter
Chas H Walter
W I Coonan
Fredk Last
William Kirk
Wm E C Harrison
Columbus Townshill
James V Sliaw
M H Well


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 1892   View pdf image (33K)
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