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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 1891   View pdf image (33K)
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W W Mots
T T Martin
C G Taylor
T M Worthington
J Polk
S A Tubman
E F Tubman
J Martin
E K Guy
R Scharf
E Mills
T Mills
J C Hay
P Stanley
J S Mills
J I H Miller
C H Tschudy
G Myers
G T Nicholsoh
I A Nicholson
J Nicholson
G M Forney
H Schlinkman
Philip D Frayser
James Bolen
Geo P Hughes
Geo F McClellan
i/ames Airey
W G V Hull
Scott Hughes
John B Heaps
Abraham Hyam
Sam Brown
M Moan
A Hancock
Jas M Jackson
Edw O'Brien
Jno Wickersham
Wm G Miller
Jas H. Vane
Win Davis
'Wm B Jones
Robt H Wells
Wm F Chesney
Jas Smith
Wm A Waddell
H S Lawson
Jno Donohou

I R Hay
R B Schumacher
W H Gibson
D A Peters
A Meek
S A Foley
G W Fisher
I N Busey
G Gamble
Wm R Scharf
H Johnson
B Carter
W E Goldsborough
E Israel
F M Alricks
I C Kinear
T A lenkins
I S Beese
H R Wilson
Wm Crichton & son
I F Miller
J L Smith
Fred Marston
Peter McMahon
Charles Halbach
Chas Crownhart
Edw Kuenne
' A Heinz
John Hays
Chas Gehmann
H H Vanderheide
B J Earley
Geo D. Hill
Chas Warlict
John R. Hill
Jacob Wertmyer
D Kruger
John J Frev
Weliam Mantry
Wm H Griffith
A V Milholland
P J Wilson
P T Share
John Ewell
Jas Laughlin
A Rennick
Wm H Saxton
Robt T Banks


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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 1891   View pdf image (33K)
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