Volume 107, Page 1662 View pdf image (33K) |
30 STATEMENT A. OFFICE CLERK CIRCUIT COURT ~) * FOR ANNE ARUNDEL COUNTY, > Annapolis, June 23d, "1854.) To the Comptroller of the Treasury: SIR::, ' I herewith submit statement exhibiting cash received and civil and criminal fees charged and unpaid in this office from , 1st December, 1853, to 31st May, 1854:
\ \ This balance is further subject to a credit for commissions to sheriff for collecting and insolvents, which may safely be estimated at $175, thus falling short $9 73 of the sum allow- ed by the Constitution for six months, without crediting clerks' salaries. All of which is respectfully submitted. "N.H. GREEN, Clerk Circuit Court for Anne Arundel county. COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE, January 18th, 1866. I hereby certify that the above is a true copy of the report of Nicholas H. Green, late Clerk of the Circuit Court for Anne Arundel count v, on file in this office. ., DANIEL M. MOORE, Clerk to Comptroller. |
Volume 107, Page 1662 View pdf image (33K) |
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