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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 1661   View pdf image (33K)
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Annapolis, January 18th, 1866.
I hereby certify that the papers herewith enclosed, and
marked A. B. C. and D., are correct copies of the several re-
turns on file in this office made by Nicholas H. Green, late
Clerk of Circuit Court for Anne Arundel county; also, that
that the paper marked E is a true copy of the return of Abram
Clande, late Clerk of Circuit Court'for Anne Arundel
county. I further certify that there never has been a charge
upon the books of this office tor excess of fees against N. H.
Green since December 1851, when he entered upon his duties
as Clerk of Circuit Court of Anne Arundel county; and further,
that the enclosed are copies of the only papers on file in this
office relating to emoluments of N. H. Green, as Clerk of
Circuit Court for Anne Arundel county; and that during
the past four years the said Green has been called upon re-
peatedly for a report of his fees, and his answer was that his
fees did not amount to the sum allowed him by law, and it
was unnecessary to make any report.
After several personal interviews with the said Green on
the subject, in which he always made the same reply, the
following communication, in writing, was made to him :
"July 26th, 1865.
N. H GREEN, Esq.,
Clerk Circuit Court Anne Arundel county:
DEAR SIR; Article 18, section 9 to 13 requires that the
clerks of courts shall make semi-annual returns of emolu-
ments to the Comptroller. This applies to all, whether the
fees exceed $2,500 or not.
The clerks generally comply with it, but not finding any
such report from you, I have respectfully to request from you
returns as above named at as early a day as possible.
Yours respectfully,
for R. J. JUMP, Comptroller,
Clerk to Comptroller..
No written response was made to this letter, Mr. Green
still stating that his fees did not equal the sum allowed Mm
by law, and for that reason he has not made any return.
Clerk to Comptroller.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1866
Volume 107, Page 1661   View pdf image (33K)
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